Monday, December 20, 2010

  • You know that when you fell in love with your partner relating was easy, but how does that love translate months or years down the line while handling the ins & outs of daily life?

Make time and space to reinvest in your partnership with a nourishing weekend that will awaken the passion you have for one another, reintroduce you to the person you fell in love with and give you tools to continue to deepen in life & lovemaking with your partner.

Miss that ‘honeymoon’ feeling? That ‘I want to rip your clothes off just because I am close to you’ feeling? Miss that sexy side of your partner that was so easy to see when your love was blooming, but now it somehow seems like they have hidden it... you know it’s there, but you can’t always see it?

This weekend is the perfect antidote for you IF:

You have gotten tied up with daily life (money, kids, work, business, etc.) and your love-and-intimacy tank at an all time low

Or maybe although it’s still great between you, you would love to find a way to take it even deeper, maybe even jucier than when you first met?

You are caught in a loop of quarreling and bickering that is creating more distance between you.

You are so good at ‘manifesting’ and leading a ‘spiritual life’, but your partnership somehow isn’t reflecting your enlightenment.

Everyone longs to be closer and feel the vibrancy of our love in partnership. The problem is that in our society we have no tools and no successful models of how to keep a partnership nourished and alive over time.

In fact, we are in a culture that encourages us to focus primarily on work and accumulating ‘stuff’... so much so that a meeting which will bring financial gain is often prioritized over special time with our lover, 40+ hours a week are devoted to work and maybe a few hours are devoted to our partner.... usually squeezed into a ‘date night’ and some sex when we are already exhausted (if we are lucky enough to get to it before we crash for the night).

There is good news!

It is easy to have a consistently rich and delicious, sensual, hot relationship once you have the tools!

No one has taught them to us because most people (including our families) have not been exposed to these simple practices.

Treat yourself and your relationship to a weekend that will not only nourish you, but will also give you tools and practices that will transform your lovemaking.

Here is the magic formula for creating a Honeymoon Retreat of your own:

1. Get you out of your daily routine.

When we are in the routine of our daily lives it is easy to put intimacy last on the list. Just getting out of town and being relieved of your responsibilities for a weekend gives you the space to begin to once again feel sides of yourself that may have just fallen off the priority list.

2. Don’t just get away, go somewhere gorgeous!

Research a place that is not just away, but that has a certain magic to it. Somewhere that you feel a million miles from your responsibilities. The area should also have a certain sensuality about it.. for example, a place with warm balmy nights or cool nights with a fire to cuddle by. A place that inspires you and brings out a whole other side of your relating.

3. Unplug!

When was the last time you totally turned off your computer and cell phone? For a full day? For two full days?? Do you sometimes wish that your partner would? I know it may sound painful to let go, but all of this technology is dragging us down!! Our attention is consistently pulled in multiple directions and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to stay absolutely present to love. Without the ability to stay present, we are not able to ‘meet’ our partner on the deepest level.

4. Be pampered and TOTALLY taken care of.

Create a situation where you don’t have to think about ANYTHING! Make sure that all meals are taken care of, rides to wherever you are going, everything once your weekend begins should be totally effortless. You should both feel as free as children, able to drop all feeling of responsibility during this time together. Being free in this way gives you back the energy and desire to be creative, playful, joyful and to invest in your lovemaking in a whole new way (so much better than a ‘before bed quickie’).

5. Most importantly ~ bring some of your favorite Tantric practices with you

Adding even one juicy Tantric practice to your day can transform a relaxing day into a day when you fall in love all over again... and even open the doorway to the best lovemaking you have ever experienced. I am NOT kidding. This is 80% of the equation... this is the game-changer!!

6. Make~Love ~ in the truest sense of the words.

As you re-connect, as you have space to unwind and release the distractions, with the support of the Tantric practices to take you deeper... this is the perfect space from which to harvest the love between you and express it with your bodies.

This is truly a recipe for making love. This kind of connecting can be touched into with a powerful daily practice, but we often need a big dose of space for loving in order to truly unite on the deepest level.

7. Now, create a game-plan:

You are heading back into the daily grind.... you don’t have to let it stop the flow of love! Get out your calendars and schedule time to devote to each other and to your love. It is a precious gift, don’t take it for granted.

If you knew that there was something you could do that would completely transform your partnership and bring you closer than you have been in years, maybe ever... would you do whatever you could to make that happen?

Our intimate partnerships are 'meant' to last all the way through 'happily ever after' and yet we invest so little time, energy and money in fully supporting this mission.

Here's how I can help:

I will make it easy for you, I have created a weekend to encompass everything listed above. I will be there with my beloved Martin creating a special weekend and holding for you what he and I know is possible after navigating almost six years together ourselves.

Look, I know you're busy.. that's why I have made it easy for you.

'Reclaim that Honeymoon Feeling' Retreat

A private weekend just for you and your lover, scheduled around your needs.

You don't have to do a thing, but show up. I know that the less you have to think about, the more you can focus on your partnership.

Let me do it for you:

1. I am providing you with an opportunity for you to escape from your daily life

2. I am taking you somewhere gorgeous!

I have several beautiful venue options which we will discuss together once we begin planning your weekend.

3. I'm Unplugging you!

During the weekend you will be invited to put down your electronics and focus on one another. Having your lover’s full attention is a powerful aphrodisiac.

4. I'm pampering you!

During this retreat everything you need for your two nights stay will be provided for you: beautiful organic food is brought to you for every meal, all activities are on site so you don’t have to worry about the hassle of transport. Nourishment abounds!

5. I’m sharing Tantra with you!

During the revitalizing weekend I will be offering you simple practices that open both your hearts and your bodies, awakening you to new layers of your loving and igniting a passion that can only come from an open heart. These practices have existed for thousands of years and I have watched them transform hundreds of relationships.

The benefit of having Martin and I there to support you is that we have been there, we understand the challenges of learning to navigate relationship in a new way AND we know just how rich it can be. Many of the practices that I will be sharing come from the things that have worked best for us as we deepen together (and that have helped us to break through when there is discord between us).

6. I’m supporting you in taking your lovemaking to the next level

Most people have no idea what is truly possible in lovemaking. Especially when we are in a deep and loving partnership. In our weekend together I will be offering ancient lovemaking techniques which will not only redefine your experience of pleasure, but also create a foundation for your love and relationship. All lovemaking practices will be explained in class and then you will have free time to practice in privacy.

7. I’m helping you create a game-plan

At the weekend, you will be supported in planning time and choosing simple practices that you can easily integrate into your life. This is one of the great secrets to a partnership that is consistently deep, rich and hot. (The other secret is: plan getaway’s like this at least 3 times a year! Seriously).

And that’s not all!

As I mentioned above, I am no stranger to the ups, downs and ins and outs of relationship. I want this program to support you in every way and I have meditated long and hard about what it takes to truly ignite & then maintain a rich partnership that creates space for that honeymoon feeling all year long.

Here’s what I came up with:


Your very own Recipe for Making Love Booklet this handy booklet gives you tips and tricks for creating sweet and intimate encounters week after week! This includes several easy to do practices with step-by-step instructions that you can begin to use right away to spice up your sex life and re-discover the depth of your connection!

Excellent even for novices, outlining everything you will need, how to set up and keeping the exercises simple and easy to execute.


5 weekly audio recordings leading up to our weekend together (emailed to you so you can listen whenever) between 20-30 minutes in length offering you a series of simple exercises to reveal where you may be ‘stopping the flow’ of love and how you can easily implement some simple changes that will give your relationship a big injection of LOVING!

*I am also including worksheets to accompany the calls for visual learners

(just in case the idea of doing calls beforehand stresses you out, not to worry ~ they are not required)

To schedule your private 'Honeymoon Retreat' contact us at:

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